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Month 8: No Frills -A Purely Technical Update

It hasn’t been long since I’ve posted; I just want to get back on track with the monthly updates.  So this will be a purely technical update for anyone interested in reading. 

The Process

I’ve pared down my “n”deavours to three active ones; only two of them will be update worthy.

In the past week I’ve received some good news: the exam I was meant to write in May has been deferred until October. This relieves some of the pressure I was feeling to try to balance work and study for an exam. 

As with most people this year life continues to be hectic. With the pandemic still happening and my city undergoing a pretty aggressive third wave, home and work life have been impacted. My work is directly impacted by the pandemic and in order to keep things afloat, I’ve had to stay late most days. While I’ve put a cap on how late I’ve stayed (and can’t/won’t take work home with me), it still eats into time for things like cleaning, cooking, laundry, childcare and quality family time. I’m lucky that I have a support net that can help with some of these things. One thing that has kept me going is that the situation isn’t perfect so life doesn’t have to be perfect. So, as things continue, I will continue to remind myself of this and that there is only so much I can control and devote my time to. 

I’ve divided the time that I have between getting home and going to bed to things like priority errands (e.g paying the bills), running, writing, and studying for my exam. Of course things like appointments and meetings throw off the time management too. It’s still a work in progress and while I’m setting some intent and space to do these things, the time management of it is still in progress (as is its sustainability). 

The Blog/Vlog

I’m happy to announce that I seem to be back on track with these updates and thus committing to one post a month dedicated to my progress seems manageable. The contributions to Runners of the 6ix also seems manageable. As for instagram, likely what I can manage will be one post a week along with some random stories (and of course, reading about other’s journey’s as I have time and cheering them on!). There are some opportunities that have also presented themselves so I will explore those too. 

By limiting what I write, it’ll allow me to try to create a video to upload on Youtube. I’ve always wanted to try a vlog to get better at speaking (I use to think i was good at it, but since returning to work I find myself being very digressive and not really getting to the point in conversations. I’m also losing track of my thoughts too). Putting together a video will help me achieve my goal of learning about video editing but in the process also practicing some public speaking. 

Also 5 videos seems ambitious — so to be realistic, I’m going to say I’m going to try for two videos by August. 

Run A Marathon

I’ve been looking at some training plans and have a general mapping of what I need to do. I can likely commit to a long run on the weekends and 2 shorter runs that include some speedwork during the weekdays. One day will be stretching, another cross training and strengthening, and one will be purely rest. While this might not be the most ideal of schedules it’s what I can manage. 

I’m not here to run fast or have an unrealistic time goal. I just want to finish the distance in (ideally) under 6 hours. 

I’ve also started physiotherapy as I’ve had a longstanding running injury (my knee) and I’ve never really put the time and effort into strengthening it and solving the problem. There is no better time than now, especially if I want to stay injury free. 

While my knee has been relatively happy, it’s been my SI (sacroiliac) joint/nerves that has been tight and causing some discomfort in my lower back. According to my physiotherapist (or at least what I remember from the first session), the muscles have contracted around it to protect it and as a result, they are tightened. This has contributed to some lower back pain and the feeling of something being “stuck” in my back. Also, my right knee/leg isn’t activating the muscles like it’s supposed to because of this tightness and nerve issue. 

I noticed mechanically some differences in my run today and the perceived effort since my first session. At the end of my 5km run, I felt like I wasn’t completely tired and I was able to pick up my pace throughout the run which is something I haven’t been able to do in a while. 

I have a few more physiotherapy session including one for pelvic floor health coming up. 

Learn a Language

Keeping the learning streak alive by practicing some past Japanese lessons. No new learning, just maintaining. 

As mentioned, technical, factual, and probably a bit boring. 

But as always, you are awesome and amazing and doing a great job!


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